This article applies to lender company admins 

Step 1: Log into RecoveryConnect and hover over VendorConnect

Step 2: From the dropdown, select Work Queue 

All Queues will display the number of service requests that have been created for your company.

Across the top are tabs to see the different sections of the work queue 

All Queues - service requests for your company 

Missing - service requests that need to be completed 

Pending - service requests that you have completed and are waiting for ARA or RISC to validate

Override - service requests that your lender has overridden 

Compliant - service requests that have been uploaded and verified by ARA or RISC

Rejected - service requests that have been rejected by ARA or RISC, the lender or forwarder 

Problem - service requests that have some sort of problem with the document uploaded 

Uncooperative - service requests where the employee or company is not completing the ask 

How to Filter Work Queue

Step 1: Click Show/Hide Filter to select your filters 

Note: Manage Filter will allow you to edit a current saved filter 

Step 2: Select the criteria you wish to see in your list 

Run Filter - filters your list 

Save Filter - allows you to save a filter to use as needed

Clear Filter - clears all filters 

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