This article applies to agents 

Selecting Cases on the main menu bar after log in will provide a drop-down where you can choose to view current cases based on status such as open, repossessed, completed, closed, on hold cases, needs more info and LPR staged.

Below each status, you can view the breakdown of those cases by point in time.

Click on the status to see further detailed information. 

For example: when you click on the Open status you can view in a list all open cases; including case number, accepted date, borrower name, collateral details borrower city, client name, assigned to, and the date of the last update on that case.

The case number is a link that will open the Case Details page, where you can make case updates and complete other actions related to that specific case.

You can export these details to your local system in the form of PDF, Excel, or CSV files by using the Export As option in the top right-hand corner of the page.

You can also configure the fields available/viewed by using the Configure Results option, also found in the top right-hand corner of the page.

The settings image allows you to view the case and case status