Service provider map provides the detailed geographical information of the service provider and how they are connected to the current lender/ forwarder company, let us see this information in detail
there are four filters available for locating service providers on the map, they are region/state, service provider, company type, VTS status(vendor transparency solutions) is a company which helps in locating service providers on the map
depending on the filters map will be displayed, here are some instances, but before that let us see the color scheme related to map
- there are different colors or shades of green which shows how many service providers are connected to that particular area
- and there is a star icon which depicts if the area is connected to the respective lender/forwarder company or not connected
- Finally, VTS is the name of the Vendor Transparency Solutions which lists all service providers on a map, if the company has shown is alleged with VTS or not
here image below shows all regions marked with star and with different color, each one of them depicts differently as explained above
VTS connected companies
Non-VTS companies
Service Provider Scorecard (only for lender login)
The scorecard can be seen or is allocated for only lender login, this is how the page looks like
according to this card, we can check the service provider connected on the particular days,
we can see the report date and name of the service provider company, which depicts the day and the provider reported on that day