In this section we have all the associations or groups of industries listed , or companies which fall under the a group or which are run as an association are listed here , other than this difference it is similar to other company types
here we have a search for association companies and could add them to the list as well
and clicking on the add button of the desired company it gets added in the police company list
then we have tabular column of already added companies , which have following parameters listed
- status: lets user know the status as global or private/public.
- App active: lets user know the status as active or inactive , if disabled status will be inactive
- company : name of the company will be displayed.
- type : type of the company remains constant throughout as Industrial trade group
- address: physical address of the company
- city/state: city or state it is located.
- ZIP: zip code of 5 to 6 digit number.
- phone: official phone number for contact.
finally we have a star icon which is used for view details of company, disable as admin and delete the company from police companies list as well as transfer cases to this Entity where we can transfer cases to association group
As we have seen in clients article , company detail page will be same and user can make changes to it
and finally we have the disable entity list , where all the companies disabled by the admin of the system will be listed which will have an option for re-enable or reactivate