Differing Statuses between Wombat/IRIS and RecoveryConnect for MBSi Lienholders

We have received examples from agencies where cases are showing active/open in RecoveryConnect and closed in Wombat/IRIS (Resolvion and Primeritus' systems). 

If the case is showing open in RecoveryConnect then it is a recoverable asset per the status from the lienholder who is MBSi's client. These clients have selected MBSi's RecoveryConnect as their system of record. 

Note: When the lienholder closes the cases in MBSi's system, this will display immediately in both iRepo and RecoveryConnect.

This exists in both RecoveryConnect and iRepo. 

We are working with both Primeritus and Resolvion on this issue for them to send MBSi the close notification when the case is re-assigned to another agency. Currently, the close is only being displayed in their proprietary systems and not coming through the web service.