This article applies to all users
Updates is the section in the case dashboard where you can find all the updates related to a case.
Updates can be done by company admins, service providers, forwarders, and clients and can be marked as private to an organization or public.
Note: Updates will not flow from agent to lender unless the forwarder does a copy/paste under updates and then forwards to the lender.
To make an update:
Step 1: Click the + next to Updates
Step 2: Fill out the form with the following information:
- Address or Phone to Update
- Details
- Date and Time
- Type
- Priority
Address or Phone to Update - Select the address or phone number available related to the update
Details - Details of the update can be entered here in paragraph style with editor options such as adding a link, a picture or you can click on Quick Updates for preset text options.
Date and Time - Records when an update is made (and in the time zone from your profile).
Type - Type of update such as account close, account on hold, case type changed, case update, etc.
Companies (who can see this update) - This will show you which company(ies) is able to see this update if saved as a public update.
Priority - This is the priority of the update, so the update receiver or service provider can determine the urgency of the update. This can be used in reporting/ filtering options where applicable.
Note: There are three priority types, high, medium, or low. If you don't make a priority selection, this will default as defined in the company settings.
Filter - Allows you to filter by All Updates, All Private Updates, or All Public Updates.
Printer - Can view all updates as a form, or can fax, email, print, or download.
Gear - Allows you to edit your updates, delete or set/change them to private or public as needed.
Note: Case updates can't be edited/ deleted if the assignment is a migrated case.
Step 3: Select Save Public or Save Private to save the updated information.