This article applies to forwarders

effective 2/16/2022

All agencies with global access to RecoveryConnect will need to mark the case On Hook and complete the asset recovery process. The process cannot be completed by the forwarder on behalf of the agency. The only exception where the forwarder will be able to complete the recovery is if the agency is a public company that does not have access to log into RecoveryConnect.

How it Works

What is a global company? (Indicated by a blue globe) An entity that has an account and logs into RecoveryConnect.

What is a public company? (Indicated by a green globe) An entity that does not log into RecoveryConnect.

What if I On-Hook for a global company? The Service Provider will need to complete the On Hook. To do that, the On Hook will need to be removed by the MBSi Support team. Then the case should be assigned to the Service Provider so they can complete the recovery.