This article applies to forwarder company admins 

As a forwarder, you have the ability to manage the new and existing storage lots for your connected service providers. 

Note: Storage lots are defaulted to enabled so you only need to do this activity if you need to disable the lot from being used. The lots that are turned off will not be available to the service provider when trying to submit a recovery.

Manage Storage Lot Settings

Step 1: From the home screen navigate to Providers > Service Provider Settings


Step 2: Under the Service Provider Settings section, click the Manage Storage Lots toggle switch to the right  (ON position) to manage the storage lots. 

If you toggle Manage Storage Lots to the ON position, you will get an additional option to Enable or Disable New Lots Created. 

New Lots Created Settings 

Under New Lots Created click the dropdown and select Enabled or Disabled.  

  • Enabled will allow service providers to add new addresses and use them during the asset recovery process. 
  • Disabled will not allow service providers to add new addresses and use them during the asset recovery process

Manage Your Connected Service Provider Lots 

Step 1: Go to Providers > Connected Service Providers 

Step 2: Locate and click on the desired service provider 

Step 3: Scroll down to the addresses 

If the Manage Storage Lots option in your Service Provider Settings is toggled to the ON position, you will be able to enable or disable the individual storage lots for that service provider.  

To Bluk Enable or Disable Lots

Step 1:  Hover your mouse over Providers and then select Connected Service Providers

Step 2: From Connected Service Providers, search for the service provider's company

Step 3: Click on the Gear icon and then select Manage Approved Lots

Step 4: Select all necessary lots and hit Save