This article applies to lenders
Reports allow you to customize and view real-time data via a list, graph, or chart.
My Reports
To pull a report can choose to:
Select from a Prebuilt Report
Customize your own report
Prebuilt Reports
Hover on My Reports on the top menu bar and select from the reports provided
Customize a Report
Step 1: From the main menu bar, click My Reports.
On the reports page, you will see the tabs: Data Criteria, Map Criteria, Displayed Columns and Misc Options.
Data Criteria
Under the Data Criteria tab, My Data Filters will allow you to customize the report that you are trying to run.
Map Criteria
Under the Map Criteria tab, data areas can be selected on the map by drawing a location or by circling the area.
Displayed Column
Under the Displayed Column, you can drag and drop from the Available Column to the Displayed Column to customize the data you want to see.
Note: To remove data fields from the Displayed Column, drag the selection back to the Available Column.
Misc Options
The Misc Options tab allows you to add the number of items per page and the description.
If you built a report that you would like to add to your home screen dashboard, check the box next to Display in dashboard.
Running Your Report
After customizing the data fields, you can click Run Report to get the data results.
Convert To Graphical Chart
You can convert the report into desired graphical charts by clicking on Covert to Graphical Chart.
Title the chart
Choose from different chart options
Select a Y-Axis
Select Information to Summarize
You can export reports by selecting Export and choosing the file type.
Click on Map to get a map view

This view will display all case status' but can be adjusted to display only: Assigned (green pin), NOT Assigned (red pin), and Recovered At (blue pin) by clicking on the status you want to display.
Selecting and zooming in to one of the case status circles on the map will zoom you into that area and display the different colored map pins for the different case status options.
Open Saved Reports
All saved reports will be saved under Open Saved Reports. Click here to view a list of saved reports, date saved, and last run date.
Click on the gear and you can Run Report, Edit Report, Share Report, Delete Report or Add to Dashboard
Click Save to Save Changes or Save as a New Report
Note: You can also add a saved report to your home screen dashboard
Show/Hide Options
This will collapse the Data Filters section of the page.