This article applies to agencies
The Notifications (Megaphone) alert contains a list of messages or activities for acknowledgment. These notifications allow the user to be notified of the status of the cases.
There is a search box feature to search notifications by case number or other keywords
In the top right corner, you will see Mark As Read and Mark As Archived options which complete either action for the notifications viewed and selected below. Putting a check next to any or all of the unread notifications enables you to mark them as read or move to archive individually as shown below.
Note: Only 10 notifications are viewed by default on this page however, you can set the quantity viewed per page as 25, 50, and 100.
There are four categories in Notifications:
Unread Notification
All notification
Archived Notification
Global Notification
Unread Notifications is the default screen and each notification has four options;
View and Remove -> you can view the case and remove the notification
Mark as Read -> notification can be marked as read and removed from the unread list
Archive -> you have the option to move the notification to the archived list
View Case -> this option will take you to the case detail page, to view the case