This article applies to lenders, forwarders and agencies 

Illinois has passed a law where repossession companies need to remove any privacy data from the collateral before it leaves the storage lot.  Because of this MBSi has changed the form for personal property, you will see these new informational fields in RecoveryConnect and RCM app.

How to Complete Personal Property for Illinois Users 

After marking a collateral On-Hook, a step of the asset recovery process is completing Personal Property.   

Step 1: On the personal property form, you will see the new fields to complete



Step 2: Answer Privacy Data Removed 

  • Yes

  • No 

  • Not Applicable 

Step 3: Put the Certificate number under the Privacy Data Removal Information box

Step 4: Fill out all other areas with the red astricts then click Submit

How to Upload the Privacy Data Removal Certificate Attachment

Step 1: From the case, view click on the Attachments tab 

Step 2: Click the +Documents button

Step 3: Click Select Files on the pop-up

Step 4: When your files have been chosen fill out the next pop-up and click Upload Document

Note: Personal Property attachment type is what you will need to select.

Your document will then be attached to this case and by clicking the Gear you have the option for the following actions:

  • Send via Fax 

  • Send via Email 

  • View Document 

  • Edit

  • Delete

  • Transfer to the lender or forwarder

Note: You will have to transfer to the lender and or forwarder manually by selecting the transfer option.

Once you have manually transferred the document you will notice there is now transfer information available.