This article applies to field agents and lot personnel 

On Lot for RCM allows agencies to manage post repo activity, like authorize transport and release. With the post repo features agencies can authorize, mark delivered, and verify redemption holds. 


Employee Setup

On Lot for RCM is triggered when an assignment is marked repossessed and stored. The agent will only see the post repo assignment if they have the storage lot the vehicle is stored at added to them in their Employee profile. 


To add a storage lot to your employee first navigate to Settings > Company Employees. 

Select the employee you want to enable the lot for.

Click edit in the upper right corner. 

Under COMPANY ADDRESSES EMPLOYEE BELONGS TO add the storage lot(s) you want the agent to be able to access via mobile for post repo. 

Once selections are completed click SAVE in the upper right corner

Finding Post Repo Assignments

To find the list of all post repo assignments the agent can click on the To-Do List icon from the main menu. Then, at the top of the To-Do List the user can click on the Post Repo tab at the top of the page. 



Agents can both search and filter their post repo results. To search, agent can enter search criteria and the system will return related matches as the result. The agent can filter results by clicking on the filter icon and selecting any of the following filter criteria: 

  • repossession date

  • authorization type

  • redemption hold status

  • storage lot location



To mark any of the post repo cases for authorization, complete or any other post repo activity the user simply clicks on the case card to load the post repo activity specific to that assignment. 



Marking Authorized for Transport or Redemption 

Marking an order authorized to transport or redeem works the same way as it does in web. Reference web article HERE


Once the agent chooses Authorize to Transport or Authorize to Redeem, a popup will appear asking the agent to fill in the required data such as authorization date, transport company detail, delivery requirements, destination, the option to list notes and email notify anyone of the transport authorization. 


Note: The email address must be a valid email address format in order for the system to accept the entry.


Once required fields are filled in the agent can choose to save the authorization which will mark the case in the sub status: authorized to transport/redeem. The agent can also select to complete both the authorization and the release at the same time by choosing Complete Auth & Release or Transport. This option will trigger a confirmation to ensure the agent means to complete the authorization. 


To learn more about the transport or redemption authorization process you can refer to this Knowledge Hub article HERE. The article refers to the web process which the post repo RCM process mirrors. 


Completing or Canceling Authorizations

If the agent did not mark the authorization complete at the same time as they marked authorization they can navigate to the post repo assignment and select Complete. 



When the agent selects Complete they will receive a popup confirming they want to complete the authorization. This action removes the assignment from Post Repo. 



Should the agent want to remove the authorization they can select cancel. This removes any sub status of authorization and places both authorization type options back on the Post Repo case.