This article applies to Agencies 


  • You must have at least 1 Storage Location to complete recoveries. 

  • You should have a phone number associated with your storage lots  

          Note: Correct phone numbers for storage lots are important for the NOI (Notice of Intent) form.

  • Monthly storage lot fees apply to lot locations labeled as Storage Location in RecoveryConnect.
    Note: Repossessions can only be stored at lots marked as Storage Location.  

  • Billing and Storage can be completed at the same location.

  • Use Address Types to make modifications.

  • Remove any lots/locations that are not needed, if applicable, and verify your RISC Inspection for inspected locations.         

          Note: The following will display when trying to delete an ARA or RISC inspected lot, "This location is monitored for compliance by ARA or RISC. Clients will be notified of the removal of this address. These changes are final. You can edit the address type to Main if you are no longer storing assets at this address." 

  • Edits to the actual address will need to go through our support team.

Accessing Your Lot Information

Step 1: From the home page, select Settings 

Step 2: Click on My Company Profile 

From here, you can either edit lot information or add new lot(s)

Add Additional or New Lot(s)

Step 1: Click +Add New Address

Step 2: Enter lot details in the pop-up form

Under Address Type, you can choose from: 

  • Main

  • Mailing

  • Branch

  • Storage Location 

  • Billing

  • Collateral Delivery Location 

Note: At least one storage location will need to be selected to use the appointment scheduler

Step 3: Click Save to add the new lot to your profile

  • Main Office – Where you conduct your majority of work – Not a storage location unless you only have the one address
  • Branch – Another place you do business is also not a storage location unless you are doing that from a branch location as well
  • Mailing – where you want to mail to be sent from outside entities
  • Billing – The address you want on your invoices
  • Storage Location – this is the one that we charge for and is used when completing the AR process as the stored at address

Review and/or Edit Current Lot Information


Step 1: Review the addresses listed to identify duplicates and verify you have at least one Storage Location and one Main Office for billing.

Step 2: Under the Addresses tab, click on the gear 

Step 3: Enter necessary edits address type or phone number

Step 4: Click Save Changes 

Note: If you have duplicate addresses, you can click on the gear to the right and soft delete the ones you no longer use. Make sure you keep the ones that have the ARA or RISC logo by them. Soft delete means it is still within our system just in the background.

Note: When you click the edit button you will see this note if you try to edit the address portion.  You will be able to edit the address type or phone number on your own.

CLICK HERE to view the Setup Case Types article