This article applies to most users
Notifications can be set up so you/your users can receive emails, text messages and website notifications when specific actions are taken on a case(s).
How notifications work:
- Admins control what notifications employees are enrolled to see or not see
- Many roles can manage their own notifications
- Under Settings > Setup Notifications you will find all the notification options and see a list of employees
- You can modify notifications in two ways: select the employee or select the notification'
- Notifications are sent based on 1) an activity occurred and 2) that person is a listed caseworker
Pro Tip! Want users to receive all notifications even when they are not associated with the case?
On the notifications screen, select an "Always On" option that will allow users to receive the notifications they want every time even if they are not assigned to the case.
How to Setup Notifications
Step 1: Navigate to Settings > Setup Notifications
Step 2: Manage notifications by selecting the user/employee or the notification
Under Active Notifications, click on the Gear next to the notification that you want
Under Employees, select the person you want to modify
Step 3: Select which notifications you want to receive
- Email: email notice to the email address associated to that user
- Website: notification in the megaphone icon at the top of the screen
- App: no longer applicable
- SMS: sends a text message to the user (standard rates apply)
Note: Always On means the user you select will receive the notification every time, even if they are not assigned to the case.
Set up Web and SMS notifications for Individual Users
Step 1: Navigate to Settings > Company Employees
Step 2: Click on the desired employee
Step 3: Click on Manage Notifications
Step 4: Click the box next to the notifications that you would like to receive
Another way to navigate to notification setup would be:
Note: If a user can't access notifications then they will need to see their Company Administrator
Company Admin Notification Setup for All Users
Step 1: Navigate to Settings > Setup Notifications
Step 2: Under Employees, click the Gear next to the employee
Step 3: Click on the boxes of notifications you want just that user to receive
Are you missing a Close/Hold notification? Check where the case originated first! In the case of Close/Holds, wherever the case created or originated, is where the notification will be generated. Many of our lender clients are still using iRepo to create cases. For example:
- If the client is using iRepo to create cases, this is the system that will generate the notification. The notification will be sent to the email address you had in iRepo. If you need to update this email address, please submit a ticket to
- For cases that originate in RecoveryConnect, the notification will come from RecoveryConnect and will be sent to the designated recipients.