This article applies to agencies 

As a Service Provider, you have the ability to edit your asset recovery even after it has been submitted to the client. After you make those edits you will need to send the new condition report to the client again.

How to Edit the Asset Recovery

Step 1: From the case view on a repossessed case click on the Recovery chevron

Step 2: Click the Gear on the right-hand side of the recovery information 

Step 3: Click on View/Edit 

Step 4: Make the desired edits to the Asset Recovery, Condition, Photos, or Personal Property 

Step 5: Click Submit to exit the process or Submit & Next to move on in the process 

How to Create a New Condition Report 

Note: The following steps are necessary in order for your client to see the updated condition report.

Step 1: From the case view, click on the Forms chevron

Step 2: Click on Recovery Related Forms 

Step 3: Click on Asset Recovery Evaluation eyeball 

Step 4: From the pop-up click on the intended collateral 

Step 5: Once the form pops up make sure your photo has been attached and then Save as Case Attachment  

Step 6: Fill out the opo-up and click Save 

Step 7: Under the Attachments chevron click on the Gear for the new condition report 

Step 8: Transfer the document to the lender/forwarder. 

Click here to access the article How to Add an Additional Photo to a Submitted CR