This article applies to lenders, forwarders and agencies
Before you start, make sure you're connected to Transport and Auction entities. Go to Setup Entities to learn more.
How to Authorize a Transport
Step 1: Go to Options > Authorize Transport
Step 2: Fill out the authorization to transport by selecting the date the vehicle is authorized to leave the storage lot and the transport company picking up the collateral. If your agency is the one delivering the vehicle you can select your agency name to designate the delivery. The other transport companies in the drop-down populate from your Transport providers under your Entities list. If the transport company is not identified you can select UNKNOWN.
Note: The transport completion date can NOT precede the authorization date!
Enter an email address in the Notification Email field to send a notification to the appropriate contact.
Step 3: Click Save to save the authorization only, See (the linked article at the bottom) for directions on how to mark a transport complete. If you want to mark the authorization and transport complete in the same step choose Complete Authorized and Transport.
Step 3: View the Form Preview then click Save as Case Attachment
Step 4: Fill out the attachment Document Name then click Save
Step 5: Send the signed transport document back to the lender/forwarder
Click Here to go to the article about How to Complete or Cancel a Transport.