This article applies to field agents and field agent supervisors 

Step 1: Select a case and click the green Hook

Step 2: After clicking the green On-Hook icon, a confirmation notification will pop up on the screen.

  • Clicking No will cancel the action and the case will remain in your active cases list.

  • Clicking Yes with Photo will allow you to take an on-hook photo            

             Note: This will come in handy when using tow dollies or a flatbed.

  • Clicking Yes will confirm that the collateral has been recovered and the case in RCM will be moved to the To-do list to complete the required information such as the Asset Recovery form and Photos.

Step 3: Select OK to save the photo to your asset recovery photos

Note: You can finish out the asset recovery and see the tow dollies/ flatbed photo in RecoveryConnect  

What You Will See In RecoveryConnect 

Step 1: Pull up the case you just recovered in RCM in RecoveryConnect>Attachments 

Step 2: Under Attachments, you will be able to see your On-Hook, Tow Dollies/ Flatbed photo 

Click here to see how you can pull reporting on this feature